Monthly Archives: October 2019

One of their Quotes:

Their strategy – no secret from anyone who reads their public statements – is simple and straightforward. (1) Shut down WBAI. (2) Change the bylaws so that WBAI can be sold. (3) Use the sale proceeds from WBAI
to refurbish KPFA. (4) Break up the network by “setting the stations free.” This has long been a cherished project of the faction that runs KPFA, so it is no surprise to learn that virtually all 9 principals (bosses? chiefs? czars?) of the “Pacifica Restructuring
Project” are … from KPFA.
             What is the latest news on WBAI’s status?
Right now, the fate of WBAI hangs by a thread called a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order). As soon as WBAI was shut down on Monday morning, a quick-acting group of WBAI staff and listeners rushed into New York Supreme
Court to ask for a temporary restraining order reversing WBAI’s shutdown. They were successful and Judge Frank P. Nero issued the order that same day. His order stays and reverses the shutdown of WBAI, allows the staff back into the building, forces return
of the computers that the KPFA plotters took away, and re-establishes regular WBAI programming. However, the judge’s order ends October 18, when WBAI’s defenders – and the KPFA faction that wants to sell it — will face off in court.

The beginning of the end of local representation and self-government?


𝘾𝙊𝙐𝙋 𝘼𝙏 𝙒𝘽𝘼𝙄! IED John Vernile, without authorisation, closes station, turns it into relay. His letter to all Pacifica directors

Coup at WBAI! IED John Vernile, without authorisation, closes station, turns it into relay. Letter to all Pacifica directors
by PacificaWatch!miwFRCRQ!fgitpS1wkjRaR96V-q95PfKXJuQi93ppXG5yKIPHP8I

Read more of this post”


Lots of info and Editorials Pacifica Radio Watch

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