Monthly Archives: October 2014

Essay by a friend on Gyromantic Informicon


Post by a friend:

22 October 2014


“As anyone who knows me knows, I am a through and through Progressive. Not a socialist, but I do believe that many things are best done with public ownership and resources, or at least on a regulated nonprofit basis, including public energy grids, health care, large scale transportation systems, scientific research in areas where there is no immediate profit motive, and environmental protection.

Of course, being a pragmatic citizen of the USA, I am a Democrat.

But let me be clear. I would abandon the Democratic Party in a heartbeat, in favor of a real Progressive Party; or, on the other hand, become a much more enthusiastic supporter of a renewed Democratic Party, were it to become that party. Such a party would support as immediate policy priorites:

  • An immediate dedication to the “moral equivalent of war” —a super Apollo Project to achieve renewable energy and develop sustainable energy resources for the future, including finding alternatives to all fossil fuel use as soon as humanly achievable; and including a commitment to free technology sharing to ensure that these new technologies are spread throughout the world; and including buybacks and decommissioning on as accelerated a schedule as possible of all fossil fuel systems
  • Universal Free Public Education including higher education and vocational education as a fundamental right
  • Universal Health Care as a right, not a privilege, with transition to a much strengthened Medicare for All, on an accelerated schedule
  • Huge investments in other public infrastructure, including sustainable agriculture, to make a livable and sustainable economy a reality
  • Greatly increased taxes on corporate profits, wealth and highest incomes to pay for the necessary public investments
  • Dedication to freedom of information and the internet
  • Financial Reform with teeth, including greatly strengthened anti-Trust activity

Other progressive reforms are certainly doable and desirable, but these will do for starters.

But Where, I ask… Where is the Progressive movement in this country demanding these reforms, and now? Because the time is late, the clock is ticking, and the unsustainable energy and economic system we are all blindly following off the cliff is just not going to work. The world is literally dying under its onslaught, and the time for the people to take back their government and demand that a new paradigm be put in place is NOW, not later.

In contrast, the pathetic, indeed virtually non-existent, policy program of even the Democratic Party in this country is completely inadequate to the very real challenges that face our civilization. We the people must demand much more, and now. “

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